How To Stop Your Racing Thoughts
Racing thoughts can leave us feeling out of control and overworked when we just can’t seem to turn off our brains. Often this happens at night, just before bed, leaving us unable to get our much needed sleep. Replaying the day over and over, worrying about things we said or did, or should have said or not done. Anxiety about what you may be in store for tomorrow.
Whatever it is, we just can’t seem to stop thinking long enough to get some sleep. Maybe this happens during the day for you. Constant thoughts running through your head during the day may leave you feeling distracted and not fully present to handle what is in front of you.
I get it, racing thoughts can feel like we are not in control of our minds. It can make you feel like you just can not relax. When racing thoughts are getting the best of you, try these things below to see if it can give you some relief.
Take a Deep Breathe
Deep breath in, deep breath out. Keeping your focus on taking long deep breaths can not only distract you from your thoughts, but it can also slow your heart rate to help you feel more relaxed. And when you feel more relaxed and can distract yourself from your thoughts, you can begin to come back to the present moment.
Try it. Slowly count to 5 while you inhale through your nose, hold for a second and slowly count to 5 again as you exhale. Repeat. What do you notice in your body now?
Pen to Paper
WRITE IT DOWN. Get it out of your head and onto some paper. This is one of my favorite ways to calm any racing thoughts I may be having. Journaling your racing thoughts can help organize what is going on in your head. It can alleviate anxiety and give your thoughts a place to go, instead of floating around in your mind.
Try it. Writing down our thoughts, or journaling, can feel overwhelming to some, because they think they have to do it a certain way. But the cool thing about it is that it can look however you want it to! Maybe it's just a list of random words, maybe it is half sentences or jumbled paragraphs. Or maybe you start writing about one thing and find yourself on a completely different topic two sentences later. It doesn’t matter. You are in control here.
Try a grounding technique
Racing thoughts can make us feel distracted and distant. Feeling grounded can help us be more present in the moment. If you are stuck in your thoughts when you really need to focus and be present, a grounding technique can get you out of your head and back to your day.
Try it. An easy ground exercise to try is using your senses to help you back to the present moment. Look around at what is in front of you and name some objects that you can see. Listen to what is going on around you and name some noises that you can hear. What can you feel and touch around you? What can you smell? Can you taste anything in your mouth? Bringing awareness to our senses can help you feel more connected to your body and focus your thoughts back to present and away from thoughts that are overwhelming.
If you are able to do so, get up and get moving! Physically moving your body can release some of your anxiety and help get you out of your head. Having something else to focus on, such as a physical movement can help you feel more in control of your thoughts.
Try it. Go for a walk, turn on some music and dance, play some basketball, or shake it out! Notice how you feel after getting some physical release.
Talk to a therapist
Racing thoughts can feel all consuming and can get in the way of living your life. If you are struggling with racing thoughts and feel like whatever you try or do just isn't helping, talk to a therapist you trust and connect with. Together with a therapist you can work through what your thoughts are trying to tell you and create a plan to help you feel more in control of your thoughts and your life. You deserve to feel at peace with your mind.
I help adults get to the root cause of their racing thoughts and how to minimize them to the point that clients feel like they are not all consumed by them any longer. If you would like help taming your thoughts, and live in the Pennsylvania area, get in touch with me for an appointment.
Jaclyn H. Burwell, LCSW provides virtual therapy to those living in Pennsylvania and North Carolina.