4 Things You Can Do NOW to Start Feeling Better.
What if I told you that you could feel better fast. No meds, no therapy, no big life changes. You may say you don’t believe me, or that there must be a catch. But really, these four things are things that anyone can do, even you. I am going to let you in on this secret that I tell just about all of my clients. Even if nothing else in your life changes, if you implement these four things, you will feel just a little bit better and more able to handle all the other crap you may be dealing with.
1) Drink enough water
Yup, good old fashioned water. It's true what they say, our bodies are made up of around 60% water. And yes it is one of the easiest things for us to forget to give ourselves throughout the day. Why is that? Being properly hydrated can help with so many things! Feeling tired? Drink some water. Feeling cold? Drink some water. Have a headache? Yup drink some more water. Getting hydrated can turn your whole day around.
So How do you make sure you are drinking water throughout the day? Here are some tips and tricks to keep you sipping all day long.
Get a water bottle that speaks to you. One that you will actually want to carry around with you. A fan of bold colors? Straws? Rainbows? Whatever floats your boat!
Set a timer. Seriously, let your phone do the hard work of remembering to take a sip.
Add some flavor. Not everyone likes the taste of plain water, that's okay. Squirt in some lemon, lime, or flavored electrolytes. If it tastes good to you, you will want to drink it more.
2) Get enough sleep
Ah yes, sleep. Chances are you don’t get enough of it. Or enough good sleep anyways. Some of the reasons you aren't sleeping enough, like anxiety and overthinking, we can work on in therapy. But if you are not getting enough sleep because you are staying up all night binge watching shows or doing whatever, prioritizing your sleep can change your whole day. It can help you think more clearly, be a little less frustrated with others, and overall reduces stress. Need help getting a little more shut eye? Try this:
Go to bed at a reasonable time. Same time. Every night. Consistency is king here. When your body gets used to going to bed at the same time, it will start to que you when it gets to be that time.
Start a relaxing evening routine. Maybe that includes a new (or just actually doing a) skin care regime. Or maybe it is just brushing your teeth and then starting to read. The repetition of doing the same things at the same time will again, cue your body to know that it is almost time for bed.
3) Move your body
You may be thinking “Ugh I hate exercising.”, but that is not what I mean here. This can look however you want it too. In whatever way feels good for you. Moving your body in some way, every day, can lower your risk for depression and help your overall well being. It can give you more energy and even help you sleep better; which is almost like feeding two birds with one crumb! Some easy ways to get more movement into your day:
Go for a walk. Whether that's around the block, on the treadmill, or shopping at Costco, walking is one of the easiest forms of movement if you are able to do so.
Stretch. Who doesn’t feel good after a nice stretch?
Have a dance party. Turn up your favorite music and feel the beat!
Work in the garden. Getting outside and getting in movement? Bonus!
Play with your kids…or some neighbor kids. That is, if you know them and their parents are okay with that. Let’s not make things weird.
Take a class with a friend. Tap, rock climbing, or maybe some Zumba anyone? Bringing a friend can help keep us accountable and distract us from the movement.
4) Eat well
Okay, so obviously this one is kind of subjective. What I think eating well means may be very different from what you think eating well means. And that’s okay! Just be real with yourself here. Are you eating enough? Too much? Does that latte really count as a balanced breakfast? When we feed our bodies properly with wholesome substance and a wide variety of nutrients it helps us stay focused, calmer, and happier. It will boost energy and strengthen your immune system. Some questions to ask yourself to help you eat well:
What is one thing I can add to my plate that my body needs?
How long has it been since I last ate anything?
Am I getting in all the food groups I need?
How does this food make me feel after I have eaten it?
Maybe this all feels like a little too much. If that is the case try focusing on just one of them. What is one thing from above that is realistic for you to try? Give it a shot. What do you have to lose? If you are still struggling and need more help, or you want to discuss further, I am here to help. Get in touch today and let’s work through it together.
Jaclyn H. Burwell, LCSW provides virtual therapy to those living in Pennsylvania or North Carolina.